Tuesday, 27 October 2015

XCP 2.1 Setup with SQL

In this document , we are not mentioning the steps for CS installtion and xPlore installation. We are just going through the steps which are required for xCP2.1 Configuration.

All Components are being install or configure on one single machine (same machine).

Software requirement:

IE 8 or Higher
SQL Server R2 2008
Documentum content Server 7.1
xPlore Server-1.4
Tc Server                                           (vfabric-tc-server-developer-2.9.6.RELEASE.msi)
BAM server                                       (bam-server.war, compatible to CS and xcp version)
BPM-2.1 (Process Engine)              (compatible to CS and xcp version)
Bps.war (Process Integrator)          (compatible to CS and xcp version)
BPM.Ear                                            (compatible to CS and xcp version)
xms-agent-1.1                                   (compatible to CS and xcp version)
xms-tools-1.1                                    (compatible to CS and xcp version)
CTS(MTS, ADTS,AVTS)                 (compatible to CS and xcp version)
CIS                                                      (compatible to CS and xcp version)

<AppServerHost>                                                    All App Server Instances
<tcServerXcpInstance>                                          C:\tcserver\xcpInstance (port:8000)
<tcServerAppInstance>                                         C:\tcserver\appInstance (DA, port :7000)
<tcServerXmsAgentInstance>                              C:\tcserver\xmsagent (port:5050)
<CIS installation directory>                                 C:\Documentum\CTS\CIS
<xms-tools-home>                                                  C:\xms-tools-1.1

TC Server Instances

Create multiple instance of tc server or Tomcat server, but following port should be different in every instances (Edit catalina.properties):

In this document, we are supposed to create 3 instances of tc server, with following port details:





We could specify these ports, during the instance creation of tc server, but for tomcat we have to modify the catalina.properties under conf directory. We could also change these port in same file under the same folder, for tc server.

Ideally we should change base.shutdown.port also, means it should be unique, in case all instances are on same machine.

So, the base url for these instance would be:

AppInstance:                http://localhost:7000

xCPInstance:                http://localhost:8000

xmsAgentInstance:       http://localhost:5050

Add users in all appServer instances:

Add users in tomcat-users.xml in folder <AppServerHost>\conf .

  <role rolename="tomcat"/>
  <role rolename="role1"/>
  <role rolename="admin-gui"/>
  <role rolename="admin-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
  <role rolename="manager-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
  <role rolename="manager-status"/>
  <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
  <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
  <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="tomcat,role1,admin-gui,manager-gui,manager-script"/>

Edit web.xml file, add following lines, under folder <AppServerHost>\conf


After configuration, port & url for the all installed com[ponents would be

DA:-                                       http://localhost:7000/da

xPlore DSearch:-                  http://localhost:9300/dsearch

xPlore Indexagent:-             http://localhost:9200/IndexAgent

bam server:-                          http://localhost:8000/bam-server

BPS :-                                     http://localhost:8000/bps/inbound_details.jsp

xms-agent :-                          http://localhost:5050/xms-agent OR

Thumnail server:-                http://localhost:8081/thumbsrv/getThumbnail

CTS:-                                      http://localhost:9095/CTSAgent/CTSAgent

CIS:-                                       8079/1099
CTS:-                                      9095 and 9096, for its web-services
MTS:-                                     9095
ADTS:-                                   9095
AVTS:-                                   9095

BAM Deployment for xCP2.1

step 1:--> Add users, if it is not exist, in tomcat-users.xml in folder <tcServerXcpInstance>\conf 

  <role rolename="tomcat"/>
  <role rolename="role1"/>
  <role rolename="admin-gui"/>
  <role rolename="admin-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
  <role rolename="manager-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
  <role rolename="manager-status"/>
  <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
  <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
  <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="tomcat,role1,admin-gui,manager-gui,manager-script"/>

We are adding users in this file just for accessing app server.

Step 2:--> Download the bam-server.war , unzip and deploy it under <tcServerXcpInstance>\webapps directory.

Step 3:--> Change the value of bam.properties file under path " <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bam-server\WEB-INF\classes\config\bam.properties".

But before below steps, we have to create a database(should be case sensetive, in sql server set collation as Latin1_General_CS_AS) for BAM, here I created  a DB with name BAM and to access this DB, created user with name BAMADMIN and password BAMADMIN. Initial size of DB should be 1000 MB . Log file size should be at least 500 MB.

bam.properties should be something like below:



bam.cluster.ttl = 1500
bam.cluster.pulse = 500
bam.cluster.activateOnStartup= false

Step 4:--> Create folder named bam(in lower case) in <tcServerXcpInstance> directly.

Step 5:-->  Now, copy the same bam.properties file(from Step 3) in folder bam under <tcServerXcpInstance>.

Step 6:--> Copy log4j.properties file from " <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bam-server\WEB-INF\classes" folder and paste it  in a folder named bam under <tcServerXcpInstance>.

Step 7:à Create and copy the dfc.properties file for the application to reference the repository, as follows:

7.a. Create a Customconf folder at the root of the application server instance:
<tcServerXcpInstance> /Customconf.

7.b. Copy the dfc.properties file from the %Documentum%\Config folder , from Content Server to
the above location.

7.c. Create the rest-api-runtime.properties file in the <tcServerXcpInstance> /Customconf folder and add these properties to the end of the file:
 (Optional) Set this property for performance tuning of the MS SQL Server:

7.d. Open the dfc.properties file in <tcServerXcpInstance> /Customconf and add the following:
dfc.session.allow_trusted_login = false
dfc.docbroker.port[1]=1589 Save your changes.

7.e. Create a file , “ <tcServerXcpInstance> \Customconf\deployment.properties“ with following content:

7.f. Modify file “ <tcServerXcpInstance> \conf\catalina.properties“, add following content (already mentioned above):

Step 8:àModify wrapper.conf file (“<tcServerXcpInstance>\conf\wrapper.conf“)
wrapper.java.classpath.5= <tcServerXcpInstance> \Customconf

Step 9:--> Changes in context.xml file under directory " <tcServerXcpInstance> \conf"

Replace <Context> with <Context antiJARLocking="true" antiResourceLocking="true">

Step 10:-->  Changes in server.xml  file under directory " <tcServerXcpInstance> \conf" , it is not applicable for TC Server, require only for Tomcat. In TC server, instead of explicit ports and other values , it will already have variable, that will be mentioning in cataline.properties.

Add attribute URIEncoding="UTF-8" with connector tag, e.g.,

    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" URIEncoding="UTF-8"   
               redirectPort="8443" />

Step 11:-->  Changes in web.xml  file under directory " <tcServerXcpInstance> \conf"


Step 12:--->  Copy dfc.properties file from documentum/config and paste it in " <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bam-server\WEB-INF\classes" folder.

Step 13:-->  Change the value of " <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bam-server\bam-server.properties", i.e.,


Step 14:-->  Download xcp-runtime-2.0.zip and extract all jar files, copy these jar files in folder TOMCAT_HOME\lib. (NA for 2.1, In xCP 2.0, xCP runtime libraries were bundled separately. It was mandatory to copy xCP runtime JAR libraries to the lib folder of the application server. Both the BAM server and the xCP application required these JAR files. For xCP 2.1, the BAM server and xCP application WAR files are packaged differently. The BAM Server and xCP application contain all necessary xCP runtime JAR library files within their respective WAR files under WEB-INF\lib. So, it is necessary to ensure that the lib folder of the application server does not contain any of the xCP runtime libraries to avoid conflict with the JAR files packaged within the WAR files of the BAM server and xCP application.)

Step 15:--> Check the sql server port, because BAM get connect with sql server through port 1433. This can be checked through sql server configuration manager. OR
commandprompt>netstat -abn
shows details of ports which are currently in used. If u don't get port 1433 in list, then try to add, through Sql Server Configuration Manager(refer below screen shots.)
Sql Server Configuration Managerà Sql Server Network Configuration à Protocols for SQL Express à TCP/IPàIP Address àTCP PORTà1433
TCP/IP should be enabled.

Step 16:-->   Download xms-tools-1.1.zip and unzip it. Copy the content of manager.war file and copy or merge with existing one in <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps folder.

After performing Step 16, we are unable to open management console of tomcat. [If you are using tc Server Developer Edition, the Application Manager is available in the application server by default. Verify that the Application Manager is running by opening the following URL in a browser:
Log in using the user credentials you created for the application instance.
If you are using the manager.war file provided in the xms-tools.zip file for xCP deployment, you cannot access the Tomcat manager user interface using the above URL. In this case, deploy an application to verify if the Application Manager is running correctly. Also, view the application server logs to check for any errors. If there are no errors, the manager.war is deployed correctly.]

Now, start the tomcat server, if bam server has deployed successfully , the content of bam.properties file under directory <tcServerXcpInstance> \bam, would be changed. Now, it would be as follow:
#do not touch the 'bam.encrypted' parameter!!!!!!
#Sat Aug 16 19:58:42 PDT 2014

Step 17:--> Start the <tcServerXcpInstance> and try the following URL in browser
login with “dmadmin“ credential, “dmadmin“ is super user. After successful logged-in, you will get welcome page.
User: dmadmin
User: Administrator

Configuring BPM by installing Process engine on CS machine.

Step1:- Start Connection Broker and all Repositories

Step 2:- Before installing Process Engine, ensure that Java Method Server (JMS) service
is stopped.

Step 3:- unpacking Process_Engine_win.zip creates a folder named Process_Engine_win

Step 4:- run installation programs - peSetup.exe

Step 5:- Click Done to close the Process Engine Installation wizard

Step 6:- Restart the Content Sever and Java Method Server.

Step 7:- To verify that the Process Engine installation is successful:


if bpm.ear file, doesn’t gets install on JMS, download it from subscriber net and configure it in JMS.
I’ve not remembered, how did it gets install, whether it is automatically configured through the Process engine installation steps or I did it manually by downloading it from subscriber net.

But the path where  this bpm.ear file should be exist, is as follow , this path is changed in CS7.1:

BPS (Process Integrator) installation with xCP2.1

Step 1:---> Download the bps.war, deploy it in <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps directory.

Step 2:---> Change the dfc.properties file in WEB-INF directory of <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bps directory.

Step 3:---> Update the file name "bps_template.xml" under directory  <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bps\WEB-INF.

       <property name="mail.imap.partialfetch" value="false"/>
       <property name="mail.debug" value="false"/>
             <user>Administrator</user>                !—Superuser Credentials--

Step 4:--> Changes in catalina.bat file under directory "TOMCAT_HOME\bin", applicable for tomcat instance only

set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% %LOGGING_MANAGER%  -Xss256k -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n -Dbam.properties=C:\TOMCAT80\bam\bam.properties -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///C:\TOMCAT80\bam\log4j.properties

we should add above statement below following statement in  catalina.bat. , applicable for tomcat instance only

For tc server, we have to make those changes in wrapper.conf file, that we already did , during BAM configuration, because we are using same TC Server instances for both BAM and BPS.

Step 5:-->  Verify the installation by accessing following links:

            http://localhost:9080/bpm/outbound_details.jsp                       -->Content Server Link IP

Thumbnail  Server

Step 1:--> Download and install dar file for thumbnail server.

Step 2:--> Download and unzip the file Thumbnail_Server_7.1_windows.zip, and start the installtion process

Step 3-->

Step 4:-->

Step 5:-->

Step 6:-->

Step 7:- Start menu à Apply Thumbnail server support to docbase.
            Follow steps to complete this installation.

Step 8:- Verify the installation:
                        http://localhost:8081/thumbsrv/getThumbnail OR

CIS Installation

After installing CIS (it is a  normal installation), do following steps
Verifying the deployment of CIS artifacts (DAR file)

After you deployed CIS DAR file (cis_artifacts.dar), check in Documentum Administrator that the modules were created.
1. Log in to Documentum Administrator.
2. Navigate to Cabinets > System > Modules > Aspect and check that the module cis_annotation_aspect is present.
3. Verify that the tables dm_annotation and dm_object_annotations have been created.

Verifying that the repository was enabled for CIS

When you enable a repository for CIS, a number of sections and folders are created. You can check their existence to make sure that the repository has been successfully enabled.
To check the existence of CIS sections and folders in the repository:
1. Log in to Documentum Administrator.
2. Navigate to Content Intelligence node and verify that the following sections are present:
• Taxonomies
• Category Class
• Document Set
• My Categories
Navigate to Cabinets > System > Applications > CI and verify that the following folders are present:
• AttributeProcessing
• Classes
• Configuration
• DocsetConfiguration
• DocumentSets
• MetadataExtrationRules
• Runs
• TaxonomySnapshots
• XMLTaxonomies

Verifying that the tables were created

The following tables are created in the repository for CIS:
• When the repository is enabled, the table dm_docstatus is created.
• When CIS DAR file (cis_artifacts.dar) is deployed, the tables dm_annotation and dm_object_annotations are created.
To check the existence of the tables:
1. Log in to Documentum Administrator.
2. Select Tools > DQL Editor.
3. Run the query to check the existence of the dm_docstatus table:
Select * from dm_docstatus
The result structure must be:
st_object_id,  st_docset_id,  st_mode,  st_last_modified,  st_date
4. Run the query to check the existence of the dm_annotation table:
Select * from dm_annotation
The result structure must be:
ann_id, ann_type, ann_value
5. Run the query to check the existence of the dm_object_annotations table:
Select * from dm_object_annotations
The result structure must be:
ann_object_id,  ann_index,  ann_chronicle_id,  ann_confidence,  ann_id

Verifying the configuration of the entity detection server

CIS server needs to communicate with the entity detection server to start the detection process, and retrieve the entities.
To verify the configuration of the entity detection server:
1. On CIS host, open the configuration file <CIS installation directory>/config/ cis.properties.
2. Check that the property cis.entity.luxid.annotation_server.host indicates the IP address of the entity detection server.

Verifying that all services are started

To make sure that all services for the entity detection server are started, check the Temis Luxid
Started icon in the notification area (usually on the right of the taskbar). When all services are started,
the tooltip indicates “Temis Luxid Started”. On the contrary, if some services have not started, the
tooltip indicates the number of services started.
On Windows hosts, the CIS services are installed in automatic startup mode. You can make sure that
all services are started correctly, and, if not, start them manually or reboot to start them automatically.

To verify the status of the services (Windows hosts):

1. Select My Computer > Manage > Services and Applications > Services.
2. Make sure the service Documentum Content Intelligence Services is started. If not, start it.
3. For the entity detection analysis, make sure that the following services are started:
• Documentum CIS Luxid IDE Server v2
• Documentum CIS Luxid Admin Server
• Documentum CIS Luxid Annotation Node
• Documentum CIS Luxid Annotation Server
• Documentum CIS Luxid SVN Service
• Documentum CIS Luxid Vinci Naming Service
• Documentum CIS Luxid Xelda Service
If you start them manually, start them in the specified order.

CTS installation:

It’s basic installation doc , where we are basically mentioning, what components we need to install with and for CTS, that is require for xCP2.1. Here we are not dealing with the profile creation or all other steps , that is require for fully working of CTS.

Step 1>> Install following dar file in docbase
CTSActivity.dar, CTSAspects.dar, Rich_Media_Services.dar, Transformation.dar, xCP_Viewer_Services.dar, ImageServices.dar

Step 2>> Double click the all 3 following file to install this version of the Content Transformation Services product.
• adtsWinSetup.exe to install Advanced Document Transformation Services.
• mtsWinSetup.exe to install Media Transformation Services.
• avtsWinSetup.exe to install Audio Video Transformation Services.

Step 3>> Only those Content Transformation Services products that you have already installed are listed during "Configuring an instance of a Content Transformation Services server".

Step 4>> To configure an instance of Content Transformation Server:                    
Select the CTS Configuration Utility located at Start > Programs.
            The Content Transformation Services Configuration Utility screen appears, follow the steps.

Step 5>> Verify if the following Windows services have been started using services.msc:
·        Documentum Content Transformation Services
·        Documentum Content Transformation Monitor Services
·        Documentum CTS Admin Agent

xMS Agent-1.1 installation For xCP2.1

Step 1:à Create a new TC Server instance or choose any instance where you want to deploy xms-agent, but never deploy this xms-agent along with DA.

Step 2:à Stop the tc Server instance.Edit wrapper.conf located in <tcServerXmsAgentInstance>\<server_instance>/conf. Add / modify follwoing statements:


Step 3:àStart tc server instance and check whether it is working or not, by following url in browser:

Step 4:àAgain Stop tc server instance

Step 5:à In the catalina.properties file located in <tcServerXmsAgentInstance>\conf,add the following (We already mentioned this , in beginning of this doc):

This step is required because all instances use the default port 8080. Changing the port numbers in the catalina.properties file avoids port conflict.

Step 6: à validate <tcServerXmsAgentInstance>\Conf\context.xml file. antiJARLocking and antiResourceLocking attribute should be false or shouldn’t mention within <context> tag.
            <context>  à Correct format
            <Context antiJARLocking="true" antiResourceLocking="true"> à Incorrect

If we are suppose to mention those attributes with Context tag, we will loose xms-agent password and provisioning environment, when we will restart our app server instance. Then we have to create new password (Although password may be same) and new provisioning environment in every session. To persist those thing (xms-agent Password and provisionoing environment ), we shouldn’t use those 2 attributes with context tag.

Step 7:àDownload the xms-agent.war file to your local system and place it in the following folder:

Step 8:àNavigate to <xms-tools-home> and copy the Catalog folder.

Step 9:àPaste the folder in the location where you want xMS to maintain catalog information and log files.

Step 10:àSet the XMS_DATA_DIR environment variable, in wrapper.conf located in
<tcServerXmsAgentInstance>\conf, add the following line:
wrapper.java.additional.$$="-DXMS_DATA_DIR=<Catalog location>"

e.g. wrapper.java.additional.14="-DXMS_DATA_DIR=C:\xms-tools-1.1\catalog"
We already mentioned this steps in step 2.

Step 11:à restart app server/instance, verify with following url:

Step 12:à On a Windows machine, run the xMS Agent configuration script:

Step 12.a:à Connect to xMS Agent:
Set up xMS Tools and open the <xms-tools-home>\config\xms-server.properties file. Specify the IP address of the machine where the xMS Agent is running and the port number on which the xMS Agent is listening.
If you are deploying to a clustered environment, specify the IP address and port number of the primary node of the xCP application host cluster. For the xms-server-context-path
property, type xms-agent. These entries point xMS Tools to the xMS Agent running on the application server.

Edit xms-server. properties @ <xms-tools-home>\config\xms-server.properties and add/update following statements:
            xms-server-host =
            xms-server-port = 5050
            #xms-server-schema = <server host protocol.http or https>
            xms-server-context-path = xms-agent

Step 12.b:à Set up a password for the xMS Agent admin user: Double-click xms.bat in <xms-tools-home>\bin. At the prompt, type a password. Repeat to confirm the password. The EMC Documentum xCelerated Management System Deployment Guide describes how to create and configure additional users. Close the xms.bat console.
Note:- JAVA_HOME should point to java 1.7

Step 12.c:à Start the xMS Agent configuration script: Double-click configure-xms-agent.bat in <xms-tools-home>\bin.

Step12.d:à In the new console, specify the password (created in 12.b) for the xMS Agent admin user.

Step 12.e:à  The system imports the following configuration information:
• The bootstrap-dctm-configuration.xml file from <xms-tools-home>\config
• Default environment templates from <xms-tools-home>\blueprints\module-templates

Step 13:à You can now use the xMS Management Center to register an environment by accessing following url


Registering a Environment through xms-agent managemtn center

Step 1:à Access the following url:

Step 2:à User name:- admin, password:Reims.408
Actually , the password would be same as that we will supposed to set it througn xms.bat, under xms-tools-1.1\bin.

Step 3:à

Step 4:àClick on catalog tab, then select one existing environemnt.
Click on update template and after that click on “create Template“.

Step 5:à provide the require informatio to create a new custom template.

Step 6:à Click on “Environment“ tab and then  click on “create Environment“. We can’t create more than one environment within a xms.

Step 7:àprovide the require info.

Step 8: à provide account info for this environment.

Step 9:à Add CustomHostGroup

Click on Add, to add new HostGroup

Step 10:à Click on Host tab to add host. We can’t create multiple host with same host name or multiple host with same host IP.
But we can associate multiple host with same host group (Not tested yet).

Step 11. à Click on “Services “ tab to configure host details and other stuffs , for all services. Select service (one at a time) and click on edit button

Step 12:àClick on properties (default) tab, and provide require details. We should select only those host group (from corresponding drop down), which are mapped with host. Here we couln’t find which host group is mapped with host or not, but if we will select incorrect host group , it would create problem in next steps.
Step 13:àClick on Endpoints tab, and provide the endpoint details, by selecting endpoints and then click on edit button. Use superuser credentials for all services, except few.

For App host service , provide login credential whatevre we will supposed to provide during the configuration of AppServer instance. We already did this stuff in starting , by updating  tomcat-user.xml file.

Here it would be:
User:- admin

For xPlore Service, we should use Installation user credential in Endpoint definiton.

Step 14:- After creating environment, we have to synchronize this environment, otherwise we will probably lost this configuration when we restart our app server.

Click on the Environment tab and select the environment and then click on “Maintenance“ button

Do the selected stuffs

Now the status of environment would be “Maintenance“,

Click on refresh button, after few minutes, the status becomes “Provisioned“

Step 15:à Check the status of the environment

Step 16:à Create xcp App and deploy it.

Before deployment , we need to configure xms-agent in designer, do the follwoing selected in screen shots.

In this document , I am not mentioning the steps for CS installtion and xPlore installation. We are just going through the steps which are required for xCP2.1 Configuration.

All Components are being install or configure on one single machine (same machine).

Software requirement:

IE 8 or Higher
SQL Server R2 2008
Documentum content Server 7.1
xPlore Server-1.4
Tc Server                                           (vfabric-tc-server-developer-2.9.6.RELEASE.msi)
BAM server                                       (bam-server.war, compatible to CS and xcp version)
BPM-2.1 (Process Engine)              (compatible to CS and xcp version)
Bps.war (Process Integrator)          (compatible to CS and xcp version)
BPM.Ear                                            (compatible to CS and xcp version)
xms-agent-1.1                                   (compatible to CS and xcp version)
xms-tools-1.1                                    (compatible to CS and xcp version)
CTS(MTS, ADTS,AVTS)                 (compatible to CS and xcp version)
CIS                                                      (compatible to CS and xcp version)

<AppServerHost>                                                    All App Server Instances
<tcServerXcpInstance>                                          C:\tcserver\xcpInstance (port:8000)
<tcServerAppInstance>                                         C:\tcserver\appInstance (DA, port :7000)
<tcServerXmsAgentInstance>                              C:\tcserver\xmsagent (port:5050)
<CIS installation directory>                                 C:\Documentum\CTS\CIS
<xms-tools-home>                                                  C:\xms-tools-1.1

TC Server Instances

Create multiple instance of tc server or Tomcat server, but following port should be different in every instances (Edit catalina.properties):

In this document, we are supposed to create 3 instances of tc server, with following port details:





We could specify these ports, during the instance creation of tc server, but for tomcat we have to modify the catalina.properties under conf directory. We could also change these port in same file under the same folder, for tc server.

Ideally we should change base.shutdown.port also, means it should be unique, in case all instances are on same machine.

So, the base url for these instance would be:

AppInstance:                http://localhost:7000

xCPInstance:                http://localhost:8000

xmsAgentInstance:       http://localhost:5050

Add users in all appServer instances:

Add users in tomcat-users.xml in folder <AppServerHost>\conf .

  <role rolename="tomcat"/>
  <role rolename="role1"/>
  <role rolename="admin-gui"/>
  <role rolename="admin-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
  <role rolename="manager-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
  <role rolename="manager-status"/>
  <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
  <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
  <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="tomcat,role1,admin-gui,manager-gui,manager-script"/>

Edit web.xml file, add following lines, under folder <AppServerHost>\conf


After configuration, port & url for the all installed com[ponents would be

DA:-                                       http://localhost:7000/da

xPlore DSearch:-                  http://localhost:9300/dsearch

xPlore Indexagent:-             http://localhost:9200/IndexAgent

bam server:-                          http://localhost:8000/bam-server

BPS :-                                     http://localhost:8000/bps/inbound_details.jsp

xms-agent :-                          http://localhost:5050/xms-agent OR

Thumnail server:-                http://localhost:8081/thumbsrv/getThumbnail

CTS:-                                      http://localhost:9095/CTSAgent/CTSAgent

CIS:-                                       8079/1099
CTS:-                                      9095 and 9096, for its web-services
MTS:-                                     9095
ADTS:-                                   9095
AVTS:-                                   9095

BAM Deployment for xCP2.1

step 1:--> Add users, if it is not exist, in tomcat-users.xml in folder <tcServerXcpInstance>\conf 

  <role rolename="tomcat"/>
  <role rolename="role1"/>
  <role rolename="admin-gui"/>
  <role rolename="admin-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
  <role rolename="manager-script"/>
  <role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
  <role rolename="manager-status"/>
  <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
  <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
  <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
  <user username="admin" password="admin" roles="tomcat,role1,admin-gui,manager-gui,manager-script"/>

We are adding users in this file just for accessing app server.

Step 2:--> Download the bam-server.war , unzip and deploy it under <tcServerXcpInstance>\webapps directory.

Step 3:--> Change the value of bam.properties file under path " <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bam-server\WEB-INF\classes\config\bam.properties".

But before below steps, we have to create a database(should be case sensetive, in sql server set collation as Latin1_General_CS_AS) for BAM, here I created  a DB with name BAM and to access this DB, created user with name BAMADMIN and password BAMADMIN. Initial size of DB should be 1000 MB . Log file size should be at least 500 MB.

bam.properties should be something like below:



bam.cluster.ttl = 1500
bam.cluster.pulse = 500
bam.cluster.activateOnStartup= false

Step 4:--> Create folder named bam(in lower case) in <tcServerXcpInstance> directly.

Step 5:-->  Now, copy the same bam.properties file(from Step 3) in folder bam under <tcServerXcpInstance>.

Step 6:--> Copy log4j.properties file from " <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bam-server\WEB-INF\classes" folder and paste it  in a folder named bam under <tcServerXcpInstance>.

Step 7:à Create and copy the dfc.properties file for the application to reference the repository, as follows:

7.a. Create a Customconf folder at the root of the application server instance:
<tcServerXcpInstance> /Customconf.

7.b. Copy the dfc.properties file from the %Documentum%\Config folder , from Content Server to
the above location.

7.c. Create the rest-api-runtime.properties file in the <tcServerXcpInstance> /Customconf folder and add these properties to the end of the file:
 (Optional) Set this property for performance tuning of the MS SQL Server:

7.d. Open the dfc.properties file in <tcServerXcpInstance> /Customconf and add the following:
dfc.session.allow_trusted_login = false
dfc.docbroker.port[1]=1589 Save your changes.

7.e. Create a file , “ <tcServerXcpInstance> \Customconf\deployment.properties“ with following content:

7.f. Modify file “ <tcServerXcpInstance> \conf\catalina.properties“, add following content (already mentioned above):

Step 8:àModify wrapper.conf file (“<tcServerXcpInstance>\conf\wrapper.conf“)
wrapper.java.classpath.5= <tcServerXcpInstance> \Customconf

Step 9:--> Changes in context.xml file under directory " <tcServerXcpInstance> \conf"

Replace <Context> with <Context antiJARLocking="true" antiResourceLocking="true">

Step 10:-->  Changes in server.xml  file under directory " <tcServerXcpInstance> \conf" , it is not applicable for TC Server, require only for Tomcat. In TC server, instead of explicit ports and other values , it will already have variable, that will be mentioning in cataline.properties.

Add attribute URIEncoding="UTF-8" with connector tag, e.g.,

    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" URIEncoding="UTF-8"   
               redirectPort="8443" />

Step 11:-->  Changes in web.xml  file under directory " <tcServerXcpInstance> \conf"


Step 12:--->  Copy dfc.properties file from documentum/config and paste it in " <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bam-server\WEB-INF\classes" folder.

Step 13:-->  Change the value of " <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bam-server\bam-server.properties", i.e.,


Step 14:-->  Download xcp-runtime-2.0.zip and extract all jar files, copy these jar files in folder TOMCAT_HOME\lib. (NA for 2.1, In xCP 2.0, xCP runtime libraries were bundled separately. It was mandatory to copy xCP runtime JAR libraries to the lib folder of the application server. Both the BAM server and the xCP application required these JAR files. For xCP 2.1, the BAM server and xCP application WAR files are packaged differently. The BAM Server and xCP application contain all necessary xCP runtime JAR library files within their respective WAR files under WEB-INF\lib. So, it is necessary to ensure that the lib folder of the application server does not contain any of the xCP runtime libraries to avoid conflict with the JAR files packaged within the WAR files of the BAM server and xCP application.)

Step 15:--> Check the sql server port, because BAM get connect with sql server through port 1433. This can be checked through sql server configuration manager. OR
commandprompt>netstat -abn
shows details of ports which are currently in used. If u don't get port 1433 in list, then try to add, through Sql Server Configuration Manager(refer below screen shots.)
Sql Server Configuration Managerà Sql Server Network Configuration à Protocols for SQL Express à TCP/IPàIP Address àTCP PORTà1433
TCP/IP should be enabled.

Step 16:-->   Download xms-tools-1.1.zip and unzip it. Copy the content of manager.war file and copy or merge with existing one in <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps folder.

After performing Step 16, we are unable to open management console of tomcat. [If you are using tc Server Developer Edition, the Application Manager is available in the application server by default. Verify that the Application Manager is running by opening the following URL in a browser:
Log in using the user credentials you created for the application instance.
If you are using the manager.war file provided in the xms-tools.zip file for xCP deployment, you cannot access the Tomcat manager user interface using the above URL. In this case, deploy an application to verify if the Application Manager is running correctly. Also, view the application server logs to check for any errors. If there are no errors, the manager.war is deployed correctly.]

Now, start the tomcat server, if bam server has deployed successfully , the content of bam.properties file under directory <tcServerXcpInstance> \bam, would be changed. Now, it would be as follow:
#do not touch the 'bam.encrypted' parameter!!!!!!
#Sat Aug 16 19:58:42 PDT 2014

Step 17:--> Start the <tcServerXcpInstance> and try the following URL in browser
login with “dmadmin“ credential, “dmadmin“ is super user. After successful logged-in, you will get welcome page.
User: dmadmin
User: Administrator

Configuring BPM by installing Process engine on CS machine.

Step1:- Start Connection Broker and all Repositories

Step 2:- Before installing Process Engine, ensure that Java Method Server (JMS) service
is stopped.

Step 3:- unpacking Process_Engine_win.zip creates a folder named Process_Engine_win

Step 4:- run installation programs - peSetup.exe

Step 5:- Click Done to close the Process Engine Installation wizard

Step 6:- Restart the Content Sever and Java Method Server.

Step 7:- To verify that the Process Engine installation is successful:


if bpm.ear file, doesn’t gets install on JMS, download it from subscriber net and configure it in JMS.
I’ve not remembered, how did it gets install, whether it is automatically configured through the Process engine installation steps or I did it manually by downloading it from subscriber net.

But the path where  this bpm.ear file should be exist, is as follow , this path is changed in CS7.1:

BPS (Process Integrator) installation with xCP2.1

Step 1:---> Download the bps.war, deploy it in <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps directory.

Step 2:---> Change the dfc.properties file in WEB-INF directory of <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bps directory.

Step 3:---> Update the file name "bps_template.xml" under directory  <tcServerXcpInstance> \webapps\bps\WEB-INF.

       <property name="mail.imap.partialfetch" value="false"/>
       <property name="mail.debug" value="false"/>
             <user>Administrator</user>                !—Superuser Credentials--

Step 4:--> Changes in catalina.bat file under directory "TOMCAT_HOME\bin", applicable for tomcat instance only

set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% %LOGGING_MANAGER%  -Xss256k -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n -Dbam.properties=C:\TOMCAT80\bam\bam.properties -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///C:\TOMCAT80\bam\log4j.properties

we should add above statement below following statement in  catalina.bat. , applicable for tomcat instance only

For tc server, we have to make those changes in wrapper.conf file, that we already did , during BAM configuration, because we are using same TC Server instances for both BAM and BPS.

Step 5:-->  Verify the installation by accessing following links:

            http://localhost:9080/bpm/outbound_details.jsp                       -->Content Server Link IP

Thumbnail  Server

Step 1:--> Download and install dar file for thumbnail server.

Step 2:--> Download and unzip the file Thumbnail_Server_7.1_windows.zip, and start the installtion process

Step 3-->

Step 4:-->

Step 5:-->

Step 6:-->

Step 7:- Start menu à Apply Thumbnail server support to docbase.
            Follow steps to complete this installation.

Step 8:- Verify the installation:
                        http://localhost:8081/thumbsrv/getThumbnail OR

CIS Installation

After installing CIS (it is a  normal installation), do following steps
Verifying the deployment of CIS artifacts (DAR file)

After you deployed CIS DAR file (cis_artifacts.dar), check in Documentum Administrator that the modules were created.
1. Log in to Documentum Administrator.
2. Navigate to Cabinets > System > Modules > Aspect and check that the module cis_annotation_aspect is present.
3. Verify that the tables dm_annotation and dm_object_annotations have been created.

Verifying that the repository was enabled for CIS

When you enable a repository for CIS, a number of sections and folders are created. You can check their existence to make sure that the repository has been successfully enabled.
To check the existence of CIS sections and folders in the repository:
1. Log in to Documentum Administrator.
2. Navigate to Content Intelligence node and verify that the following sections are present:
• Taxonomies
• Category Class
• Document Set
• My Categories
Navigate to Cabinets > System > Applications > CI and verify that the following folders are present:
• AttributeProcessing
• Classes
• Configuration
• DocsetConfiguration
• DocumentSets
• MetadataExtrationRules
• Runs
• TaxonomySnapshots
• XMLTaxonomies

Verifying that the tables were created

The following tables are created in the repository for CIS:
• When the repository is enabled, the table dm_docstatus is created.
• When CIS DAR file (cis_artifacts.dar) is deployed, the tables dm_annotation and dm_object_annotations are created.
To check the existence of the tables:
1. Log in to Documentum Administrator.
2. Select Tools > DQL Editor.
3. Run the query to check the existence of the dm_docstatus table:
Select * from dm_docstatus
The result structure must be:
st_object_id,  st_docset_id,  st_mode,  st_last_modified,  st_date
4. Run the query to check the existence of the dm_annotation table:
Select * from dm_annotation
The result structure must be:
ann_id, ann_type, ann_value
5. Run the query to check the existence of the dm_object_annotations table:
Select * from dm_object_annotations
The result structure must be:
ann_object_id,  ann_index,  ann_chronicle_id,  ann_confidence,  ann_id

Verifying the configuration of the entity detection server

CIS server needs to communicate with the entity detection server to start the detection process, and retrieve the entities.
To verify the configuration of the entity detection server:
1. On CIS host, open the configuration file <CIS installation directory>/config/ cis.properties.
2. Check that the property cis.entity.luxid.annotation_server.host indicates the IP address of the entity detection server.

Verifying that all services are started

To make sure that all services for the entity detection server are started, check the Temis Luxid
Started icon in the notification area (usually on the right of the taskbar). When all services are started,
the tooltip indicates “Temis Luxid Started”. On the contrary, if some services have not started, the
tooltip indicates the number of services started.
On Windows hosts, the CIS services are installed in automatic startup mode. You can make sure that
all services are started correctly, and, if not, start them manually or reboot to start them automatically.

To verify the status of the services (Windows hosts):

1. Select My Computer > Manage > Services and Applications > Services.
2. Make sure the service Documentum Content Intelligence Services is started. If not, start it.
3. For the entity detection analysis, make sure that the following services are started:
• Documentum CIS Luxid IDE Server v2
• Documentum CIS Luxid Admin Server
• Documentum CIS Luxid Annotation Node
• Documentum CIS Luxid Annotation Server
• Documentum CIS Luxid SVN Service
• Documentum CIS Luxid Vinci Naming Service
• Documentum CIS Luxid Xelda Service
If you start them manually, start them in the specified order.

CTS installation:

It’s basic installation doc , where we are basically mentioning, what components we need to install with and for CTS, that is require for xCP2.1. Here we are not dealing with the profile creation or all other steps , that is require for fully working of CTS.

Step 1>> Install following dar file in docbase
CTSActivity.dar, CTSAspects.dar, Rich_Media_Services.dar, Transformation.dar, xCP_Viewer_Services.dar, ImageServices.dar

Step 2>> Double click the all 3 following file to install this version of the Content Transformation Services product.
• adtsWinSetup.exe to install Advanced Document Transformation Services.
• mtsWinSetup.exe to install Media Transformation Services.
• avtsWinSetup.exe to install Audio Video Transformation Services.

Step 3>> Only those Content Transformation Services products that you have already installed are listed during "Configuring an instance of a Content Transformation Services server".

Step 4>> To configure an instance of Content Transformation Server:                    
Select the CTS Configuration Utility located at Start > Programs.
            The Content Transformation Services Configuration Utility screen appears, follow the steps.

Step 5>> Verify if the following Windows services have been started using services.msc:
·        Documentum Content Transformation Services
·        Documentum Content Transformation Monitor Services
·        Documentum CTS Admin Agent

xMS Agent-1.1 installation For xCP2.1

Step 1:à Create a new TC Server instance or choose any instance where you want to deploy xms-agent, but never deploy this xms-agent along with DA.

Step 2:à Stop the tc Server instance.Edit wrapper.conf located in <tcServerXmsAgentInstance>\<server_instance>/conf. Add / modify follwoing statements:


Step 3:àStart tc server instance and check whether it is working or not, by following url in browser:

Step 4:àAgain Stop tc server instance

Step 5:à In the catalina.properties file located in <tcServerXmsAgentInstance>\conf,add the following (We already mentioned this , in beginning of this doc):

This step is required because all instances use the default port 8080. Changing the port numbers in the catalina.properties file avoids port conflict.

Step 6: à validate <tcServerXmsAgentInstance>\Conf\context.xml file. antiJARLocking and antiResourceLocking attribute should be false or shouldn’t mention within <context> tag.
            <context>  à Correct format
            <Context antiJARLocking="true" antiResourceLocking="true"> à Incorrect

If we are suppose to mention those attributes with Context tag, we will loose xms-agent password and provisioning environment, when we will restart our app server instance. Then we have to create new password (Although password may be same) and new provisioning environment in every session. To persist those thing (xms-agent Password and provisionoing environment ), we shouldn’t use those 2 attributes with context tag.

Step 7:àDownload the xms-agent.war file to your local system and place it in the following folder:

Step 8:àNavigate to <xms-tools-home> and copy the Catalog folder.

Step 9:àPaste the folder in the location where you want xMS to maintain catalog information and log files.

Step 10:àSet the XMS_DATA_DIR environment variable, in wrapper.conf located in
<tcServerXmsAgentInstance>\conf, add the following line:
wrapper.java.additional.$$="-DXMS_DATA_DIR=<Catalog location>"

e.g. wrapper.java.additional.14="-DXMS_DATA_DIR=C:\xms-tools-1.1\catalog"
We already mentioned this steps in step 2.

Step 11:à restart app server/instance, verify with following url:

Step 12:à On a Windows machine, run the xMS Agent configuration script:

Step 12.a:à Connect to xMS Agent:
Set up xMS Tools and open the <xms-tools-home>\config\xms-server.properties file. Specify the IP address of the machine where the xMS Agent is running and the port number on which the xMS Agent is listening.
If you are deploying to a clustered environment, specify the IP address and port number of the primary node of the xCP application host cluster. For the xms-server-context-path
property, type xms-agent. These entries point xMS Tools to the xMS Agent running on the application server.

Edit xms-server. properties @ <xms-tools-home>\config\xms-server.properties and add/update following statements:
            xms-server-host =
            xms-server-port = 5050
            #xms-server-schema = <server host protocol.http or https>
            xms-server-context-path = xms-agent

Step 12.b:à Set up a password for the xMS Agent admin user: Double-click xms.bat in <xms-tools-home>\bin. At the prompt, type a password. Repeat to confirm the password. The EMC Documentum xCelerated Management System Deployment Guide describes how to create and configure additional users. Close the xms.bat console.
Note:- JAVA_HOME should point to java 1.7

Step 12.c:à Start the xMS Agent configuration script: Double-click configure-xms-agent.bat in <xms-tools-home>\bin.

Step12.d:à In the new console, specify the password (created in 12.b) for the xMS Agent admin user.

Step 12.e:à  The system imports the following configuration information:
• The bootstrap-dctm-configuration.xml file from <xms-tools-home>\config
• Default environment templates from <xms-tools-home>\blueprints\module-templates

Step 13:à You can now use the xMS Management Center to register an environment by accessing following url


Registering a Environment through xms-agent managemtn center

Step 1:à Access the following url:

Step 2:à User name:- admin, password:Reims.408
Actually , the password would be same as that we will supposed to set it througn xms.bat, under xms-tools-1.1\bin.

Step 3:à

Step 4:àClick on catalog tab, then select one existing environemnt.
Click on update template and after that click on “create Template“.

Step 5:à provide the require informatio to create a new custom template.

Step 6:à Click on “Environment“ tab and then  click on “create Environment“. We can’t create more than one environment within a xms.

Step 7:àprovide the require info.

Step 8: à provide account info for this environment.

Step 9:à Add CustomHostGroup

Click on Add, to add new HostGroup

Step 10:à Click on Host tab to add host. We can’t create multiple host with same host name or multiple host with same host IP.
But we can associate multiple host with same host group (Not tested yet).

Step 11. à Click on “Services “ tab to configure host details and other stuffs , for all services. Select service (one at a time) and click on edit button

Step 12:àClick on properties (default) tab, and provide require details. We should select only those host group (from corresponding drop down), which are mapped with host. Here we couln’t find which host group is mapped with host or not, but if we will select incorrect host group , it would create problem in next steps.
Step 13:àClick on Endpoints tab, and provide the endpoint details, by selecting endpoints and then click on edit button. Use superuser credentials for all services, except few.

For App host service , provide login credential whatevre we will supposed to provide during the configuration of AppServer instance. We already did this stuff in starting , by updating  tomcat-user.xml file.

Here it would be:
User:- admin

For xPlore Service, we should use Installation user credential in Endpoint definiton.

Step 14:- After creating environment, we have to synchronize this environment, otherwise we will probably lost this configuration when we restart our app server.

Click on the Environment tab and select the environment and then click on “Maintenance“ button

Do the selected stuffs

Now the status of environment would be “Maintenance“,

Click on refresh button, after few minutes, the status becomes “Provisioned“

Step 15:à Check the status of the environment

Step 16:à Create xcp App and deploy it.

Before deployment , we need to configure xms-agent in designer, do the follwoing selected in screen shots.

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